Home > High School Life > Happy Holidays and Wrapping Up 2011

Happy Holidays and Wrapping Up 2011

December 25, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

I am posting this on Christmas Day to wish everyone happy and safe holidays. Even if you celebrate none of the several holidays around this date, you probably get a well-deserved winter break. Which seniors will use mostly to complete college apps. One winter break is little to sacrifice to get into college.

A great many things happened in 2011, including the downfall of the world’s most wanted terrorists and most lunatic despots. Fukushima Daiichi made humanity scrutinize nuclear energy. South Sudan became the world’s newest country. The Jasmine Revolution is still sweeping away the longtime dictators of the Middle East and North Africa. America’s shuttle program was put to an end. The European economy is reeling from a series of blows. The Iraq War ends and brings the veterans home for the holidays.

Did the world become a more stable or a more chaotic place? That’s for you to decide. I believe that these revolutions pave the way to solutions. Union between citizens of a country is no longer sufficient. We must work as a species to face the problems of the 21st century.

Happy Holidays.

Categories: High School Life
  1. March 28, 2012 at 20:08

    Merely wanna remark on few general things, The website pattern is perfect, the subject matter is real great : D.

    • Dk
      March 29, 2012 at 19:40

      Thank you for the support! Tell me if there’s a specific topic you would like me to opine about, I sometimes run out of ideas too 😛

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